Horror Film Wiki
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Johner was played by Ron Perlman in Alien Resurrection.


Johner was a mercenary aboard the smuggling ship Betty. Johner and the crew of the Betty were responsible for delivering several kidnapped civilians to the United Systems Military scientists aboard the USM Auriga, which were then used for alien breeding and therefore he subsequently became involved in the Xenomorph outbreak and infestation aboard the ship, when they later fled their imprisonment.

He was forced to fight the Xenomorphs in order to survive together with a gradually shrinking group of people. Finally, they were able to flee the Auriga with the help of their own ship and save themselves. When everythng was over, he was one of only four survivors of the Auriga incident, along with Ripley 8, Vriess and the Auton Annalee Call.

Alien Pages in this category are related to the Alien series. AlienEgg
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